Research Publications
- C.-H. Yuen and S.-H. Chan, "Scalable Real-Time Monitoring for Distributed Applications," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, to appear.
- W. Zhuo, B. Zhang, S.-H. Chan and E. Chang, "Error Modeling and Estimation Fusion for Indoor Localization,'' in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), (Melbourne, Australia), 9-13 July 2012 (to appear).
- W.-L.
Hong, F. Long, P. Xia and S.-H. Chan, "Distributed Joint Channel and
Routing Assignment for Multimedia Wireless Mesh Networks,'' in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), (Melbourne, Australia), 9-13 July 2012 (to appear).
- X.-N.
Yue, C.-F. Wong and S.-H. Chan, "CACAO: Distributed Client-Assisted
Channel Assignment Optimization for Uncoordinated WLANs," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 1433-1440, Sept. 2011. [pdf] (Supplementary Material, also available at here).
- X.-N. Yue and S.-H. Chan, "A Distributed Channel Assignment Algorithm for Uncoordinated WLANs,'' in IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 9-12 Jan. 2010 [pdf].
- T. He, S.-H. Chan and C.-F. Wong, "HomeMesh: A Low-Cost Indoor Wireless Mesh for Home Networking," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 46, pp. 79-85, Dec. 2008. [pdf]